Its been a very lonely beginning to this year, after Deepu left for Hyderabad soon after the New Year celebrations ended. Offcourse it was an emergency , but even before we could talk about our US experiences or plan out the year ahead, she had to leave. Nevertheless, by all probability, shes gonna be back in a couple of days.
It was still a busy fortnight for me. The power plant protests picking up momentum, we had to do a lot of preparations to handle the 90 km National Highway Rastha Roko they had planned on the 13th of Jan, But it all fizzled out with the Chief Minister intervening and things are now back to normalcy for some time atleast.
All alone i've been contemplating on that exposure that i recently had.... and it somehow seems to have set the cat among the pigeons. A sudden exposure to a lot of things new has made me rethink on my present job disposition. The urge for more variety and technicality in job has increased and now i've started eagerly looking forward for opportunities to explore. Options like the private sector which i thought were as good as closed when i joined the civil services... now seem so much possible and inviting. Though i know this is not the right time , especially when i m holding an important position in the district..... itz been forcing me to make preparations for such lateral movement when time is ripe. The question that stares at me now is.. am i atleast prepared ? for that lateral movement. At the outset i m now planning to make an early entry into a deputation to the Govt of India. The next step would be to take to my Sabbatical for a management degree at any of the IIM's or institutions abroad and make sure i am prepared. A lot of churning is still going on. I will keep writing on this subject in the posts to come. As of now the very fact that, mind has accomodated a whole new line of thinking ... is giving me a lot of pleasure. In the days to come Deepu will also get busy with her career and it would be fun exploring my options too at that time. Till then.. i'd better concentrate on the district... for which i got into the Services.
The pic above is before the US Capitol in Washington DC. It was only two of us and nobody to take a picture of us together.