Monday, December 06, 2010


Waiting for my flight to Bangalore from the newly opened Terminal-3 at Delhi. I cant claim to have seen too many airports outside except a few like Paris, Atlanta, DC, Bangkok and Sydney, but I can surely say this one matches with any of these big names. May not be very huge in size but from what we had to what we have now, its a huge leap. I was in Delhi for the last four days on official work. Expected there would be lot of change in the city with the Commonwealth games just concluded, but was terribly disappointed. Delhi in no way looks like a city that has hosted or even a city that can host, such a huge international event. Such a huge expenditure, they could have built a new city altogether. One look around the city you will realize that all that talk of corruption in the games organisation was not just media hype after all. If at all the media made a mistake.. it was that the issue was taken up to0 late for any redemption. What a lost opportunity !

For the last one week, work has become very exiting for reasons that I cannot disclose here. More and more "Bond" like activities that one can expect only as SP Mangalore. I am almost completing my tenure here at Mangalore. So lets make the most of being here. After this place, I am sure I wont have another tenure as satisfying as this. Oh!.. they've started boarding... will complete this blog later.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Wrap Up !

I started off writing about our Mangalore posting with some descriptions of things that were so fast unfolding. little did I realize then that they would engage me so bad, that i'll end up writing nothing at all. It was a roller coaster ride that probably comes only once in a life time, or at least not again for a long long time. When I decided to come down to Mangalore all the way from a cushy place like Bidar, I did have in mind that life would be like this here. But its an altogether different thing to go through the actual experience. The lows of this ride were, the ever so frequent crisis situations that we encountered. It was almost like every alternate day. There would be an incident, we got a day or two to handle it and then there would be another one waiting on the third day. But we had an equal number of highs with the way we got out of these situations. Some great investigations, detections of cases, taking down the unruly elements, some good innovative measures, media and public appreciation and finally some kind of semblance falling in place by the beginning of this year. It was as if the fruits of all the hard work were finally showing up (I do understand this could be a total misreading of the situation, but its always a good feeling that way). I should off course admit that for most of what happened the credit goes to the excellent officers that we had. The final stamp of approval about the work came from none other that the State Police Chief awarding the District as the Best in Handling Law and Order for the year 2009 at the Annual Conferance in Bangalore this year.
These were some of the most difficult days for Deepu too. But she kept her support and that kept me going. She would keep herself engaged with work at the Hospital and that made life a little more interesting. I will write more about some nice things that we did and some nice places we visited together during this period, in the next few blogs. I may not really be able to bring out the trials and tribulations of my professional dealings here, but will try to bring out a few where ever possible in what ever manner.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Back to life

Now that I am on the Galaxy tab, the blog is back. What a great machine and fantastic applications( despite all the criticism on the reviews). Nothing will ever be perfect on launch, but I am sure its the best tablet that we have at the moment. This month has been good, with a nice Diwali passed by. Professionally too its been satisfying with some new initiatives in the pipeline. Will detail them in the coming blogs. Deepu is busy with her hospital and studies and some workout in the mornings. So much for a start.