Its been about 10 days since Deepu returned from Hyderabad. With the monsoon in its full splendour we're spending most of the time indoors watching the rains pour down. Coastal Karnataka is next only to the North East ( Chirapunji) in the amount of rainfall it receives. For about 3 months of june, july and august, its almost raining continuously. Everything turns green, all the rivers running full. There are about 15 small rivers cutting across this district of Udupi from east to west, and its beautiful at the places where the back waters of the arabian sea and the rivers meet. This weekend we went on a drive north, crossing all these rivers and reached a forest rest house at a place called "Oththiinaane". Its a guest house on a hillock overlooking the arabian sea and u've to be there to experience it.... out of the world... hard to believe a place like this even exists. On our way back we stopped over at the "Maravanthe" beach. Its a two kilometer drive on the national highway on the side of the beach, and i'm sure ur drive could'nt get closer than this to the sea. Truely breathtaking. But the sad part.. all that we had was a nokia mobile camera. So we'll get u better pictures of that experience, the next time we're there. Offlate Udupi had been quiet peaceful (touch wood) and we're both getting some time to spend the evenings with a game of badminton at the officer's club. Some good work also on the professional side and we just started a district police blog to put that work online.
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